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The Savage Sacktap

A former high school vandal and his friends offer a profane take on society, pop-culture, sports and more all with a nod towards the great morning radio 'shock jocks' of yesteryear. If you hate everyone, you'll love 'The Savage Sacktap'

Twitter: @MikeMontone



Jun 27, 2018

The border, the kids, and Trump, it's all anyone was talking about this week...well that and soccer. I'm digging through the vitriol, getting on my soap box and telling you what to think about Seth Rogen, Paul Ryan, the World Cup, city ordinances, and lesbian photo shoots.

Twitter: @MikeMontone


Jun 22, 2018

Chris Hardwick, Ed Werder, even Albert Einstein -- the straight white males are under attack! So what do we do? We fight back! With podcasts. Join me as I break down the week's controversies, script out scenes for a very naughty summertime blockbuster, and explain why maybe it's not so okay to hate men. All that and...

Jun 13, 2018

A recent updates on events in Mike's life both good and bad, some dirty limericks, a serious talk about suicide, some dude in Tennessee says 'no gays allowed' inside his hardware store -- but he may be the biggest tool of all, plus Stormy Daniels' new perfume, Trump's offer to anthem kneelers, and the backlash...