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The Savage Sacktap

A former high school vandal and his friends offer a profane take on society, pop-culture, sports and more all with a nod towards the great morning radio 'shock jocks' of yesteryear. If you hate everyone, you'll love 'The Savage Sacktap'

Twitter: @MikeMontone



Sep 28, 2019

Nancy Pelosi is looking to serve up a piping hot slice of impeach cobbler -- will it work? Who knows, but the process is guaranteed to be a wildly entertaining shit show. Recapping my trip back to the suburbs and reflecting on our slovenly, soft, phone addicted society before breaking down the controversy...

Sep 21, 2019

Apologies for the extended absence folks, I needed to take a breather, but now I'm back and happy to be casting pods once again! I decided to usher my return to the podcasting scene with some thoughts on tyranny, individual freedom, and sweet sweet firearms. Then it's a look at the uproar surrounding Shane Gillis, and...