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The Savage Sacktap

A former high school vandal and his friends offer a profane take on society, pop-culture, sports and more all with a nod towards the great morning radio 'shock jocks' of yesteryear. If you hate everyone, you'll love 'The Savage Sacktap'

Twitter: @MikeMontone



Apr 9, 2018

Sacktap's back, back gain...tell yo friends. After a brief six week hiatus the Savage Sacktap is back. 

I'll explain where I went and what I was doing, and use it as a shameless opportunity to plug a new social media project I'm working on. 

Conor McGregor's Barclays Center brouhaha is on the docket, so is fat shaming, homework anxiety, rude people, bathroom behavior and more.

Download, share, tell yo friends, and follow me on social media.

Facebook: The Savage Crew

Twitter: @MikeMontone

Instagram: @Gary_Moyler